Special or normal | Being yourself

It's fun to be normal ,makes everything seem so special.

Don't think of yourself as a special  person.You are just like the others. The difference you need that it is not meant to be special. It is the difference between knowing to be special...and ...becoming special. 
"Seashell indicates the purity and
Beauty of minimalism"
Either way makes you a normal person with abnormal wishes. Hence abnormality is also great in the normal mind a common sense.  Don't  afraid to be a commoner ....normal is what we lack in today's world.

 Everyone trying to be so special that specialty is what becoming the fragile and more predictable behavior of all. 

Among the people are surrounding us need to be asked if there are anything that makes them separate from this special circumstances, maybe a little interesting , maybe more natural , even weirder.As there are much more greater mystery than how to seize attention to ourselves.

Eventually that actually points out how much you give someone else the attention which you gained for yourself.Socialization  is bliss and it also includes yourself . 

Protecting yourself is just an easiest task you can do. I suggest  at times we all just be a normal human being to think like a special one in the world. 
§"Appearances make impressions but it is 
 the personality that makes an impact."§

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