November 9, 2017 | 

Today is our wedding day.............
I am proud today though these tears streaming down my face, I cannot stop.
Eight months of your profoundly tender, passionate, warm affection....
 your undivided attention...... your promises, made my heart skip a beat every-time with the kisses. And the ring.
writing hand love romance wedding marriage brand lovers trust luck wedding rings promise fashion accessory wedding date

It's gracious, darling.
No, no. I know, I know you had to go, you had to leave,
you had a fight.
You went to taste the victory again.
You went to bleed till you win.
Baby, you won.
When you came back to me, did you see me wearing the white? The bridal veil? The tiara? You saw everyone waiting. What took you so long? Why, when you reached finally , you looked pale, unhappy?
 All I can remember is the flag and flowers covered your body, you were being carried because you could not walk.
Sleep. You are too tired to wake up again. Now, no dreams of bloody battlefields, no nights of terror, no scars of wars, no roar of bullets.
The bullets had your name on them,you're a Hero.
Still invincible.

Image result for flower and gun

"Peace to each manly soul that sleepeth ; rest to eaach faithful eye that weepeth"


1 comment:


Peace comes from within do not seek it with out ~Lord Buddha ©Dayeetachaudhuri Y ears after years with watery eyes Locked in a room...